Friday, March 7, 2008

second assignment

1) In the beginning of the novel, many characters are thrown at you all at once. After reading further into the novel there is no question that the main characters name is Adam. Adam is a man of noble blood, a loyal knight, and a kind - hearted man. He shows these characterisitics when he first saved a women's life from slavery and abuse and then taking blame for rape. In chapter 2 the trial takes place and Gwenyth has to choose between lying and deciete towards a man that "showed nothing of kindness who had seen her safely to her pallet," which, by the way would save her life, or telling thr truth. She chose to marry him. Showing his loyalty towards Gwenyth's saftey he agreed to marry but, "won't make the honest vows of the church with a decietful woman."

2) If i had to compare myself with any one character this early in the book i would have to lean towards gwenyth. Even though she falsely accused someone, she did it out of faith that God would answer her prayers and make this horrible situation that she had become a messanger in with no way out, be left in her past.

3) As of right now the main character sees dark dungeons and hatred. He can not see past the absured trial he was put on. He smells deciete, scandals, and more lies to come. As far as i can tell he is not in a good situation. He was forced into a realationship to save his life and a lying woman. I don't think he can see much, smell anything, or see what is to come. I would say he is a little angry.