Sunday, April 6, 2008

fifth assignment

The project of my book can be looked at in two ways. My book is a christian fiction type book. The author takes real life situations and puts it into a different scenery and time. In the book, many of the characters pray about their situations to God in hopes of answered prayers. I feel the author could be saying , because of the way the story is ending, that God answers prayers, but doesn't always act at the moment that you would like. Many characters feel like he has abondoned them throughout the story but God always puts one and two together.

Another way the book can be looked at is a political statement. This books main conflict is war vs. love. Two people from different backgrounds have fallen for one another but can't be with eachother without being forced into something that is unwanted or without being mocked. The way the sory is folding seems to show that there are ways around war with everyone ending up to be happy. As the world sees it today one person always ends up not winning. This problem i think is shown many times throughout the story. So for now i'm torn between these two projects but i'm positive that the conflict is mainly is political and emotional. (war vs. love)