Friday, April 4, 2008

Fourth assignment

The book i am reading has three very clear elements that help the stories plot. This book is based around conflict. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, boy and girl are from different family ties. This creates extreme conflict, especially when love and emotions are thrown in. Not just emotions and love for each other but also for families and clans. Conflict is the name of the game in this book.
I have also found that metaphores are used alot in this book to give you a clearer picture and understanding of the emotions taking place. The author uses words like thickheaded, or phrases such as " she withdrew her touch as if she was touching something hot," to give you an idea of the emotions that the characters are having at the moment.
Symbols are also very common in this book. The title, Circle of Honor, alone is a symbol for each situation. Gwenyth and adam are put into situations that make them have to choose the most respectful yet most honorable decisions to their families as well as their self.
I have not found the project yet.